Bài viết liên quan cho Flatsome bằng hook | structure-posts.php

23 Jul 2020


add_action('after_setup_theme', 'calling_child_theme_setup');
function calling_child_theme_setup()
    add_shortcode("blog_posts", "change_blog_posts");



function change_blog_posts($atts, $content = null, $tag) {

        "_id" => 'row-'.rand(),
        'style' => '',
        'class' => '',
        'visibility' => '',

        // Layout
        "columns" => '4',
        "columns__sm" => '1',
        "columns__md" => '',
        'col_spacing' => '',
        "type" => 'slider', // slider, row, masonery, grid
        'width' => '',
        'grid' => '1',
        'grid_height' => '600px',
        'grid_height__md' => '500px',
        'grid_height__sm' => '400px',
        'slider_nav_style' => 'reveal',
        'slider_nav_position' => '',
        'slider_nav_color' => '',
        'slider_bullets' => 'false',
        'slider_arrows' => 'true',
        'auto_slide' => 'false',
        'infinitive' => 'true',
        'depth' => '',
        'depth_hover' => '',

        // posts
        'posts' => '8',
        'ids' => false, // Custom IDs
        'cat' => '',
        'category' => '', // Added for Flatsome v2 fallback
        'excerpt' => 'visible',
        'excerpt_length' => 15,
        'offset' => '',

        'exclude' => '', //hanhcode

        'orderby' => 'date',
        'order' => 'DESC',

        // Read more
        'readmore' => '',
        'readmore_color' => '',
        'readmore_style' => 'outline',
        'readmore_size' => 'small',

        // div meta
        'post_icon' => 'true',
        'comments' => 'true',
        'show_date' => 'badge', // badge, text
        'badge_style' => '',
        'show_category' => 'false',

        'title_size' => 'large',
        'title_style' => '',

        // Box styles
        'animate' => '',
        'text_pos' => 'bottom',
        'text_padding' => '',
        'text_bg' => '',
        'text_size' => '',
        'text_color' => '',
        'text_hover' => '',
        'text_align' => 'center',
        'image_size' => 'medium',
        'image_width' => '',
        'image_radius' => '',
        'image_height' => '56%',
        'image_hover' => '',
        'image_hover_alt' => '',
        'image_overlay' => '',
        'image_depth' => '',
        'image_depth_hover' => '',

    ), $atts));

    // Stop if visibility is hidden
    if($visibility == 'hidden') return;


    $classes_box = array();
    $classes_image = array();
    $classes_text = array();

    // Fix overlay color
    if($style == 'text-overlay'){
        $image_hover = 'zoom';
    $style = str_replace('text-', '', $style);

    // Fix grids
    if($type == 'grid'){
        if(!$text_pos) $text_pos = 'center';
        $columns = 0;
        $current_grid = 0;
        $grid = flatsome_get_grid($grid);
        $grid_total = count($grid);
        flatsome_get_grid_height($grid_height, $_id);

    // Fix overlay
    if($style == 'overlay' && !$image_overlay) $image_overlay = 'rgba(0,0,0,.25)';

    // Set box style
    if($style) $classes_box[] = 'box-'.$style;
    if($style == 'overlay') $classes_box[] = 'dark';
    if($style == 'shade') $classes_box[] = 'dark';
    if($style == 'badge') $classes_box[] = 'hover-dark';
    if($text_pos) $classes_box[] = 'box-text-'.$text_pos;

    if($image_hover)  $classes_image[] = 'image-'.$image_hover;
    if($image_hover_alt)  $classes_image[] = 'image-'.$image_hover_alt;
    if($image_height) $classes_image[] = 'image-cover';

    // Text classes
    if($text_hover) $classes_text[] = 'show-on-hover hover-'.$text_hover;
    if($text_align) $classes_text[] = 'text-'.$text_align;
    if($text_size) $classes_text[] = 'is-'.$text_size;
    if($text_color == 'dark') $classes_text[] = 'dark';

    $css_args_img = array(
        array( 'attribute' => 'border-radius', 'value' => $image_radius, 'unit' => '%' ),
        array( 'attribute' => 'width', 'value' => $image_width, 'unit' => '%' ),

    $css_image_height = array(
        array( 'attribute' => 'padding-top', 'value' => $image_height),

    $css_args = array(
        array( 'attribute' => 'background-color', 'value' => $text_bg ),
        array( 'attribute' => 'padding', 'value' => $text_padding ),

    // Add Animations
    if($animate) {$animate = 'data-animate="'.$animate.'"';}

    $classes_text = implode(' ', $classes_text);
    $classes_image = implode(' ', $classes_image);
    $classes_box = implode(' ', $classes_box);

    // Repeater styles
    $repeater['id'] = $_id;
    $repeater['tag'] = $tag;
    $repeater['type'] = $type;
    $repeater['class'] = $class;
    $repeater['visibility'] = $visibility;
    $repeater['style'] = $style;
    $repeater['slider_style'] = $slider_nav_style;
    $repeater['slider_nav_position'] = $slider_nav_position;
    $repeater['slider_nav_color'] = $slider_nav_color;
    $repeater['slider_bullets'] = $slider_bullets;
    $repeater['auto_slide'] = $auto_slide;
    $repeater['row_spacing'] = $col_spacing;
    $repeater['row_width'] = $width;
    $repeater['columns'] = $columns;
    $repeater['columns__md'] = $columns__md;
    $repeater['columns__sm'] = $columns__sm;
    $repeater['depth'] = $depth;
    $repeater['depth_hover'] = $depth_hover;

    $args = array(
        'post_status' => 'publish',
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'offset' => $offset,
        'cat' => $cat,
        'posts_per_page' => $posts,
        'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
        'orderby'             => $orderby,
        'order'               => $order,

    // Added for Flatsome v2 fallback
    if ( get_theme_mod('flatsome_fallback', 0) && $category ) {
        $args['category_name'] = $category;

    // If exclude ids
    if(empty( $ids ) && $exclude) $args['post__not_in'] = explode( ',', $exclude );

    // If custom ids
    if ( !empty( $ids ) ) {
        $ids = explode( ',', $ids );
        $ids = array_map( 'trim', $ids );

        $args = array(
            'post__in' => $ids,
            'post_type' => array(
                'featured_item', // Include for its tag archive listing.
            'numberposts' => -1,
            'orderby' => 'post__in',
            'posts_per_page' => 9999,
            'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,

    $recentPosts = new WP_Query( $args );

// Get repeater HTML.

    while ( $recentPosts->have_posts() ) : $recentPosts->the_post();

        $col_class    = array( 'post-item' );
        $show_excerpt = $excerpt;

        if(get_post_format() == 'video') $col_class[] = 'has-post-icon';

        if($type == 'grid'){
            if($grid_total > $current_grid) $current_grid++;
            $current = $current_grid-1;

            $col_class[] = 'grid-col';
            if($grid[$current]['height']) $col_class[] = 'grid-col-'.$grid[$current]['height'];

            if($grid[$current]['span']) $col_class[] = 'large-'.$grid[$current]['span'];
            if($grid[$current]['md']) $col_class[] = 'medium-'.$grid[$current]['md'];

            // Set image size
            if($grid[$current]['size']) $image_size = $grid[$current]['size'];

            // Hide excerpt for small sizes
            if($grid[$current]['size'] == 'thumbnail') $show_excerpt = 'false';

        <div class="col <?php echo implode(' ', $col_class); ?>" <?php echo $animate;?>>
            <div class="col-inner">
                <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" class="plain">
                    <div class="box <?php echo $classes_box; ?> box-blog-post has-hover">
                        <?php if(has_post_thumbnail()) { ?>
                            <div class="box-image" <?php echo get_shortcode_inline_css($css_args_img); ?>>
                                <div class="<?php echo $classes_image; ?>" <?php echo get_shortcode_inline_css($css_image_height); ?>>
                                    <?php the_post_thumbnail($image_size); ?>
                                    <?php if($image_overlay){ ?><div class="overlay" style="background-color: <?php echo $image_overlay;?>"></div><?php } ?>
                                    <?php if($style == 'shade'){ ?><div class="shade"></div><?php } ?>
                                <?php if($post_icon && get_post_format()) { ?>
                                    <div class="absolute no-click x50 y50 md-x50 md-y50 lg-x50 lg-y50">
                                        <div class="overlay-icon">
                                            <i class="icon-play"></i>
                                <?php } ?>
                        <?php } ?>
                        <div class="box-text <?php echo $classes_text; ?>" <?php echo get_shortcode_inline_css($css_args); ?>>
                            <div class="box-text-inner blog-post-inner">

                                <?php do_action('flatsome_blog_post_before'); ?>

                                <?php if($show_category !== 'false') { ?>
                                    <p class="cat-label <?php if($show_category == 'label') echo 'tag-label'; ?> is-xxsmall op-7 uppercase">
                                        foreach((get_the_category()) as $cat) {
                                            echo $cat->cat_name . ' ';
                                <?php } ?>
                                <h5 class="post-title is-<?php echo $title_size; ?> <?php echo $title_style;?>"><?php the_title(); ?></h5>
                                <?php if((!has_post_thumbnail() && $show_date !== 'false') || $show_date == 'text') {?><div class="post-meta is-small op-8"><?php echo get_the_date(); ?></div><?php } ?>
                                <div class="is-divider"></div>
                                <?php if($show_excerpt !== 'false') { ?>
                                    <p class="from_the_blog_excerpt <?php if($show_excerpt !== 'visible'){ echo 'show-on-hover hover-'.$show_excerpt; } ?>"><?php
                                        $the_excerpt  = get_the_excerpt();
                                        $excerpt_more = apply_filters( 'excerpt_more', ' [...]' );
                                        echo flatsome_string_limit_words($the_excerpt, $excerpt_length) . $excerpt_more;
                                <?php } ?>
                                <?php if ( $comments == 'true' && comments_open() && '0' != get_comments_number() ) { ?>
                                    <p class="from_the_blog_comments uppercase is-xsmall">
                                        $comments_number = get_comments_number( get_the_ID() );
                                        /* translators: %s: comment count */
                                        printf( _n( '%s Comment', '%s Comments', $comments_number, 'flatsome' ),
                                            number_format_i18n( $comments_number ) )
                                <?php } ?>

                                <?php if($readmore) { ?>
                                    <button href="<?php echo get_the_permalink(); ?>" class="button <?php echo $readmore_color; ?> is-<?php echo $readmore_style; ?> is-<?php echo $readmore_size; ?> mb-0">
                                        <?php echo $readmore ;?>
                                <?php } ?>

                                <?php do_action('flatsome_blog_post_after'); ?>

                        <?php if(has_post_thumbnail() && ($show_date == 'badge' || $show_date == 'true')) {?>
                            <?php if(!$badge_style) $badge_style = get_theme_mod('blog_badge_style', 'outline'); ?>
                            <div class="badge absolute top post-date badge-<?php echo $badge_style; ?>">
                                <div class="badge-inner">
                                    <span class="post-date-day"><?php echo get_the_time('d', get_the_ID()); ?></span><br>
                                    <span class="post-date-month is-xsmall"><?php echo get_the_time('M', get_the_ID()); ?></span>
                        <?php } ?>
    <?php endwhile;

// Get repeater end.

    $content = ob_get_contents();
    return $content;



function flatsome_related_post()
    if (is_single()){
        $terms   = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'category' );
        $term_id = $terms ? current( $terms )->term_id : '';
        echo do_shortcode( '<h3 class="container">'.__("Related post","flatsome").'</h3><div class="post-related">[blog_posts style="normal" type="row" columns="4" columns__md="2" posts="6" show_date="false" excerpt="visible" comments="false" text_align="left" depth="1" exclude="' . get_the_ID() . '" cat="' . $term_id . '" class="align-equal"]</div>' );

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